Protecting Moose Spring And Summer Feeding Area's |
One of the main concerns "The Ontario Ministry Of Natural Resources" have is protecting Aquatic Plants and the surrounding forests from Logging Operations to protect the Moose feeding grounds in spring and summer . They are doing Arial Surveys of the Wetland Area's such as Ponds, Swamps, Lakes and Rivers in Algonquin Park to identify these Area's and their surrounding forests.
Moose need sodium, but cannot get enough from trees and leaves. Aquatic plants are high in sodium, bringing moose to browse in shallow shorelines. Ponds and lakes also give the moose relief from the relentless biting insects of the north woods. Moose will completely submerge themselves and then rise out of the water, weeds draped over antlers. Aquatic plants accumulate sodium from the water they grow in. The ones the moose eat. contain 20 to 40 times the amount of sodium. as the land plants do.
When these area's are found by Arial Flying they are recorded on a map and then they are sent to the department that is responsible for contracting out logging operations. When the logging operators get the logging map for their area the protected area's are well defined so that they cannot cut near these areas.
On Friday July 4, 2008 I had the opportunity to go with the MNR as an observer to see how this was accomplished. We left the MNR office in Pembroke at 8 A.M. and finished at 3 P.M. at Lake Traverse in Algonquin Park. It was certainly a once in a life time experience to be up in a helicopter flying over Algonquin Park seeing the true beauty and magnitude of Algonquin Park. I would like to thank Brad Steinberg the Park Biologist for giving me this opportunity to fly with them and learn about the survey system and it was certainly appreciated. I would also like to thank the two pilots who flew the helicopter and the M.N.R. staff that were in charge of doing the survey they really made me feel at home and certainly welcome amongst them.
Click on map to enlarge it I Would Like To Share My Experience With All Our Members As I Have Taken Many Pictures Of My Experience With The M.N.R . Survey Team Click HERE To View My Photo Gallery
I Think That After Seeing All These Beautiful Pictures You Will Agree That It Is Imperative That This Beautiful And Vast Park Should Be Protected.
By Garry Waito ( Family Head With The BAFN ) !!! NEW For 2009 !!! On Wednesday July 8, 2009 I had the privilege to take part in the Aquatic Study Again. Larry Weller ,Mike Taylor, and myself Garry Waito took turns going up in the helicopter with Erroll Downey and John Smith. To Go To The Helicopter Video And Picture Gallery Of This Years Aquatic Study 2009 Please direct any comments or inquiries to: Chief Richard Zohr Webmaster ( Garry Waito )
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