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Moose In Algonquin Park
Bull Moose
Cow Moose
Calf Moose
Since the late 1970s Algonquin has
become the best place in Ontario, perhaps North America, to see moose.
Best viewing is in May and June, right along Highway 60. During those months
many moose discover the slightly salty water in the road side ditches
(resulting from winter sanding operations) and, since they have been starved
for sodium all winter, they stay around to take advantage of the unexpected
Unfortunately, this also creates a serious hazard
for motorists who are unaware of the danger of hitting moose on the road at
this time of the year. Every year, approximately two dozen moose are killed
and as many vehicles seriously damaged in collisions. Almost all of these
could be avoided if drivers took the warning signs seriously, kept a
constant watch for moose eye shine, and never exceeded 80 km per hour.
Common Name Moose Scientific NameAlces alces Other Names Elk (in Europe and Asia), swamp
donkey, and twig eater (see below).
General Appearance: Some say Moose appear to have been
constructed from body parts left over from other animals. However, the
Moose's unique look hides a number of physiological adaptations for life in
the northern forest. Moose are about the size of a horse, with a long
brownish-black head and snout, large ears, and a dewlap (or bell) hanging
from the throat. Moose have legs that are about 200 centimetres long, humped
shoulders, and a short stubby tail.
Males and females can be told apart during the summer months by the
existence of antlers on the heads of males (called bulls) and the lack of
antlers on females (called cows). During the winter months, after antlers
are shed, females can be recognized by the colour of the snout which is
light brown, and a white patch of hair on their rump called the vulva patch.
Did you know?
A male Moose grows and then sheds its antlers
each year (unlike horns which remain throughout an animal's life). Moose
antlers are the fastest type of growing bone known on the planet. A Moose
may grow a set of antlers weighing up to 25 kilograms in just five months!
Weight: Male Moose weigh an average of 500 kilograms, and
females average 425 kilograms.
Migration: Moose do not migrate. They are year-round residents
of Algonquin Park.
Sources: Moose are herbivores and feed on aquatic vegetation,
assorted ground plants, leaves, and twigs of both conifers and deciduous
trees and shrubs. Moose have been recorded to eat up to 20 kilograms of
twigs in just one day in the winter, and an amazing 50 kilograms of green
vegetation in one summer's day!
Sounds: Moose are usually silent during most of the year, but
during the rut (mating season) [typically mid-September in Algonquin Park],
Moose will use sound to communicate. Male Moose make a guttural "ga-wunk!"
sound, while females make a long drawn-out bawling moan.
Major Predators: Wolves and bears constitute the two main
predators of Moose in Algonquin Park. Healthy adult Moose are relatively
safe from predation as their size and strength makes them a formidable
opponent. The old, sick, injured, or very young may be preyed on by wolves,
but in Algonquin Park the majority of Moose eaten by wolves have died of
other causes.
Black Bears will prey on Moose calves in the early summer when they are the
most vulnerable. Despite this vulnerability, a mother Moose will
aggressively ward off any attack to her calf.
Research Habitat: Moose are found in the boreal forest
covering much of Canada, from the Pacific coast, east to Newfoundland and
Labrador, north to the tree line. Moose can also be found in the northern
United States, and south through to the north central Rocky Mountains. Moose
are biologically recent immigrants to North America. Biologists believe that
Moose travelled to North America from Eurasia to present-day Alaska during
the last glaciation about 11,000 years ago. Moose can be found still living
in the boreal forest of Europe and Asia. In Algonquin Park, Moose are
commonly found in spring along the Highway 60 Corridor where they feed on
the salt-rich waters that collect in roadside ditches from winter road
maintenance operations. As soon as aquatic vegetation grows, Moose can be
found feeding on aquatic vegetation in beaver ponds, rivers, and shallow
areas of lakes. In fall and winter, Moose feed on leaves (when available)
and the youngest twigs of trees and shrubs, and will often spend time in
dense coniferous forests during the coldest winter months.
Research Questions
How many Moose are there in Algonquin Provincial Park? This is a question
that Algonquin Park staff are asked repeatedly throughout the year. To get
an idea of Algonquin's Moose population, Norm Quinn, Park Biologist,
conducts an aerial Moose survey typically every other year. "My work with
Moose populations follows on a great deal of work in the Park aiming to
understand what determines the numbers of Moose on the landscape - or what
biologists call ‘population regulation'", says Quinn. "Counting Moose from
aircraft when they are on their winter range is the most common method of
estimating moose numbers in North America. It is a relatively simple and
effective way to estimate the population of many species present during
winter months, but it takes a biologist with a strong stomach." The process
of determining the Moose population in the Park starts long before the Park
Biologist gets into the air. In Algonquin Park, Moose surveys are conducted
a minimum of every two years. In the fall of a Moose-survey year, Norm Quinn
lays out blocks that measure 10 kilometres long by 2.5 kilometres wide
throughout the Park. There are 57 blocks in the Park, 34 of these plots on
the west side dominated by deciduous forest and 23 on the east side
dominated by coniferous forest. In January, when conditions are optimal,
observers board a helicopter and begin the survey. Observers typically spend
all daytime hours flying multiple passes (transects) through different
survey blocks in the Park. Observers in the helicopter are constantly on the
lookout for both Moose and their tracks. Should the pilot fly over fresh
tracks of a Moose, the pilot, with the help of the keen-eyed observers,
follows the tracks to the animal(s). When the Moose are located, the number
of animals is counted, bulls are aged based on antler size (class 1, class
2, class 3), sex is noted (bull, cow, or calf). All information is then
recorded on specially designed data sheets. The helicopter pilot then
resumes the search for more Moose on that transect within the survey block.
Norm Quinn, the helicopter pilot, and two other observers are in the air
every day that conditions permit. Even with good conditions the Moose survey
may last until mid-February. When 20% of the 57 blocks have been covered,
there is enough data to estimate the population. It is not practical to
count Moose in all the survey blocks, and it is even more unrealistic to
survey the entire Park. Weather conditions, time, and a limited budget all
restrict the amount of time in the air for the Park Biologist conducting the
Moose survey. Despite these limitations by sampling only about 20% of all
plots, and by using a complicated formula, Norm is able to extrapolate his
results from the sampled blocks to get an accurate estimate of the entire
Park's Moose population. One of the downsides of extrapolating results to
the entire Park is error. For example, in 1985, the Park Biologist was 90%
sure that the Park's population of Moose was between 2533 and 4533 animals.
Now this may seem like a large range, but when compared to just 10 years
earlier, the population of Moose in the Park was between 1455 and 2155.
Therefore, bi-annual Moose surveys do help biologists determine trends over
time. In a perfect world, all wildlife biologists would have unlimited time
and resources, but in reality you can only fly so often, and in the case of
the Moose survey you have a small window during the mid-winter period in
which to complete the work. In some years, variables like the weather
cooperate, and in other years, they don't. In 2003, Norm Quinn and his Moose
survey observers determined that there were 3490 (plus or minus 628) Moose
in Algonquin Park. So the next time someone asks "How many Moose are there
in Algonquin Park?", you can let them know 3490 plus or minus 628!
Is the number of moose increasing or decreasing in Algonquin Provincial
Park? If you were to
visit Algonquin Park in the early 1900s, seeing a Moose would be very rare.
Today in Algonquin Park, during May and June, Park visitors regularly see
Moose standing or feeding along the roadsides. Some lucky observers have
even reported seeing more than fifty Moose between the Park's West and East
gates in just one trip!
So what is going on? Why, then, have Moose populations changed so
dramatically? Norm Quinn has ideas, based upon his work with the Moose
survey (described above) and his knowledge of the forest and the other
species living in the Park. There are several factors that have changed over
the years to explain the change in the Moose population. The first of these
has to do with the difference in forest cover in the Park during the early
1900s and today.
If you were able to time travel back to the early 1900s, Algonquin Park
would have been a very different looking place. In this early Algonquin
Park, species such as White-tailed Deer flourished because of the open
habitat. Much of Algonquin, prior to it becoming a Park had been logged or
burned over, resulting in open spaces suitable for the survival of deer. In
fact, some estimates of the deer population within the Park in the early
1900s have been between 30,000 and 100,000 animals, a population that is
unheard of today.
Since the early 1900s, better forestry management practices within the Park
have allowed a more closed forest environment to develop. In fact, Algonquin
has more trees today than it did when the Park was established in 1893. This
drastic habitat change resulted in poorer habitat for deer, and thus, fewer
surviving animals. On the other hand, the thicker forest conditions were
more suitable for Moose which increased in population.
Another factor that has reduced deer populations is Algonquin's long, cold,
and snowy winter conditions. In Algonquin Park, White-tailed Deer are
nearing the northern edge of their range. This means that in very cold and
snowy winters many deer do not survive as happened during the late 1970s.
This in turn reduces the deer population.
Yet another factor in this story of Moose populations was noticed as early
as the 1930s when researchers outside the Park boundaries noticed Moose with
a strange neurological disorder that made the Moose stagger about,
eventually making the hind legs inoperable and eventually leading to the
death of the Moose.
In 1964, wildlife researcher Roy Anderson, of the
University of Guelph, discovered a link between a parasite called Brainworm
(Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) which lived in White-tailed Deer with
seemingly no ill-effects, and Algonquin's Moose. The worm is passed from the
deer out through their feces. Snails feeding on the feces ingest the worm
and Moose that accidentally eat an infected snail while browsing then become
infected. This 8-centimetre-long round worm eventually kills Moose that have
ingested it. (For more on the life cycle of the Brainworm see The
Elucidation of the Biology of the Meningeal Worm.) It was this relationship
that helped to explain one of the reasons why the Moose population
fluctuates so dramatically in Algonquin Park, and in other areas where Moose
and White-tailed Deer coexist. In Algonquin Park in the early 1900s, when
the population of deer was high, the Moose population likely suffered from
the effects of Brainworm. However, when populations of deer dropped in
Algonquin as a result of thicker forests, there were fewer deer to pass
Brainworms onto Moose living in the same area. Therefore, as deer
populations fluctuate, so do the numbers of Brainworms in the environment
and thus the number of Moose.
Another parasite that affects Moose in Algonquin Park is also very small.
The Winter Tick (Dermacentor albipictus) is about the size of a
grain of sand during the autumn when they are seeking a warm, food-rich
place to spend the winter. These small Winter Ticks climb onto vegetation
with front legs outstretched waiting for a passing Moose. Once aboard a
Moose, these small ticks burrow down through the thick hair of the Moose to
its skin. Then the Winter Tick pushes its sucking mouth parts through the
skin of the Moose and begins to feed on the blood. This feeding continues
until spring, when the small-grain-of-sand-sized tick has grown to 10,000
times it original size to about the size of a grape! These parasites on the
hides of Moose undoubtedly tax a Moose's system, but it is typically not the
Winter Tick that directly kills the mighty Moose. In fact, it's the actions
of the Moose that can seal its own fate. As ticks grow, they begin to
irritate the Moose, and the Moose begins to rub against anything it can "
whether a tree, rock or even using its own hind feet. Moose rub so often and
so hard that they can remove large patches of hair, especially around their
shoulders and sides. It is this removal of hair that can lead to the death
of the Moose as a result of hypothermia (or getting extremely cold) during
cold, rainy, spring conditions. In years like 1999, Moose in Algonquin Park
were heavily infested with Winter Tick, with some animals having between
50,000 to 100,000 ticks on their body! As a result, high Moose populations
from the 1990s were significantly reduced as many Moose died throughout the
Park during the spring of 1999. Since then, Moose populations have
stabilized and remain strong throughout the Park.
So to answer the question we started with, "Is the number of Moose
increasing or decreasing in Algonquin Park?" " It really depends upon the
period of time you look at. Despite the Moose being Algonquin's largest
creature, they are still subject to many factors that can limit their
population. Whether it's the habitat, Brainworm, or Winter Tick, Norm Quinn
knows that Moose population fluctuations are a normal part of the Algonquin
environment, and Algonquin is one of the best places in Ontario to see