Algonquin Traditions |
The Clan System Click on Picture to enlarge
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What you will need: Sweetgrass Cedar Tobacco Matches Shell or bowl
Fan or Feather 1.The four sacred plants are sage, tobacco, cedar and sweetgrass. 2.Mix together the plants you will be using, place them in a bowl/shell and light them. 3.When burning, use a fan/feather to put out the flame. Keep fanning to keep it smouldering. 4.Smudge any medicine tools you will be using in the ceremony. 5.Draw the smoke to your heart, then over your head, down your arms, and down the front of your body then the back of your body toward the ground. 6.Offer smoke to the four directions. Which are north, south, east and west. 7.After you have smudged yourself and offered the smudge, you can hold the bowl/shell while other people present smudge.
In ceremony, a smouldering braid of sweetgrass is taken around the circle gathered. Sweetgrass represents Mother Earth's hair. Each participant then cups the smoke in their hands and bathes themselves with it. The smoke from the sweetgrass promotes positive energy and good thoughts. Sweetgrass grows wild in many parts of North America. It has no mind altering nor addictive qualities. It is not smoked nor inhaled. Tobacco is the first plant given by the Creator. It is used for Prayers, requests and thanksgiving It is held ill the left hand (the hand being closest to the heart) and talked to. Thus its smoke becomes the bearer of our Prayers1 to the Creator. Afterwards it is offered to the fire or sprinkled on the ground, where it will not be tread Upon. In seeking the advice of an Elder or Teacher, one holds a pouch of tobacco in the left hand while speaking The Elder or Teacher will accept the Pouch of tobacco if she/he feels they can help you.
click on picture to enlarge it Algonquin Calender Of Natural Events click on image to enlarge it Click Here To Download the calendar in Adobe PDF Migration Path Of the Algonquin People click on image to enlarge it Click Here To Go To Out Cultural workshop Photo Gallery Held On February 14, 2009
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