Algonquins Of Ontario
2016-2017 – HARVEST UPDATE
Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation
The Algonquins of Ontario (AOO) as represented by the Algonquin Negotiation Representatives (ANRs) continue to work closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to implement this year’s harvest plan. The moose numbers continue to remain stable and are increasing within certain Wildlife Management Units (WMUs), both inside and outside Algonquin Park, in part due to the efforts of our sustainable harvest.
In keeping with last year, the 2016/2017 Moose Harvest will involve a draw system for both inside and outside Algonquin Park and the harvesting requirements will remain the same.
We request that you continue to report all deer harvest by WMU, so that the ANRs will have a better handle on what to do for future harvests to ensure sustainability. Limits are one deer per household. Remember, we need to look out for future generations.
The Algonquins of Ontario (AOO) are entering our fifth year of our trial Adult Elk Harvest from September 1, 2016 to December 21, 2016. Based on the results from the 2015 aerial elk survey the population is stable however it is estimated to be below the current population objective. A decrease has been observed in specific herds within the core elk range. The calf population is the lowest recorded and the mature bull proportion has been noted as a cause for concern. Consequently, this year’s elk harvest has been slightly adjusted to work towards optimal proportions of bulls, cows, and calves and to slightly increase the population within the core elk range.
Harvesters are to continue to report their harvest by WMU and Elk Harvest Area. In addition, harvesters are to report the bull elk antler class. The antler class is determined by the number of points per side (e.g. 2×2, 3×3, 4×5 etc.). This information will assist the AOO in determining how many bulls are harvested each season.
Unlike last year, this year individuals are eligible to apply for both Elk Tags and Moose Tags.
There is no Elk Calf Harvest and there are no Bow Tags for Elk.
It is mandatory to report your harvest, to harvest monitors/ANRs even if it has been
reported to the MNR.
Mature Bull Elk
The AOO are encouraging harvesters to avoid harvesting mature bull elk. As noted above, the ratio of mature bull elk to cow elk is a cause for concern. In order to protect the population and move towards maximum productivity, the mature bull elk require some assistance. It is recommended that Algonquin harvesters avoid harvesting bull elk with an antler class greater than 3×3. A 3×3 bull elk is described as having 3 points (tines) on both antlers (see image below). A bull elk with at least one side with 4 or more points should be avoided.
the image above depicts the antlers of a 3×3 bull elk.
Collared Elk
Algonquin Harvesters should avoid harvesting elk that have been collared. These collared animals are an important component of ongoing elk research and monitoring programs. No replacement tags will be issued in these circumstances.
If you harvest an animal wearing an ear-tag or collar, this animal was chemically immobilized in the past using veterinary drugs. Health Canada has established recommended guidelines for consumption. Please contact the AOO Consultation Office at 613-735-3759 to report your harvest. The AOO will follow up with MNR to obtain information on the length of time when the animal was chemically immobilized and advise the harvester accordingly.
For additional information on the consumption of chemically immobilized wildlife visit our website at to see Attachment 1 provided by Health Canada.
Odds Per:
HARVEST REQUIREMENTS Moose Harvest inside Algonquin Park A minimum of six names to an Adult Tag and one name to a Calf Tag. The calf target will be limited as in past years. Individual harvesters may request a Calf Tag from their ANR if they are not successful in the adult draw by indicating an (X) on the application for the person(s) wanting a Calf Tag.
Moose Harvest outside Algonquin Park
A minimum of six names to an Adult Tag and one name to a Calf Tag. The calf targets will be limited, particularly in WMUs 48, 55A, 55B and 57, to continue to manage these herds sustainability.
There will be a special Bow Harvest in some of the WMUs outside of Algonquin Park. This will require two names to an Adult Tag and one name to a Calf Tag.
Individual harvesters may request a Calf Tag from their ANR if their group is not successful in the adult draw by indicating an (X) on the application for the person(s) wanting a Calf Tag.
Moose Harvest Dates inside Algonquin Park (Rifle)
Cow Moose: October 11, 2016 to December 21, 2016
Bull Moose: October 11, 2016 to January 15, 2017
Calf Moose: October 11, 2016 to January 15, 2017
(or earlier if the harvest target is reached)
Moose Harvest Dates outside Algonquin Pa’rk (Rifle)
Cow Moose: October 11, 2016 to December 21, 2016
Bull Moose: October 11 , 2016 to January 15, 2017
Calf Moose: October 11, 2016 to January 15, 2017
(or earlier if the harvest target is reached)
Moose Harvest Dates outside Algonquin Park (Bow Harvest)
There will be a special Bow Harvest in some of the WMUs outside of Algonquin Park. Two names to an adult tag and one to a calf tag. The Bow Harvest will begin September 15,2016 and end on January 15, 2017.
Deer Harvest Dates inside Algonquin Park (Rifle)
Deer: October 11, 2016 -January 15, 2017
Deer Harvest Dates outside Algonquin Park (Rifle)
Deer: September 1, 2016 to January 15, 2017 (Please report any deer harvest) WMU 41: September 1, 2016 to December 15, 2017
Elk Harvest Dates inside/outside Algonquin Park (Adult Elk and Rifle Only)
Elk: September 1, 2016 -December 21, 2016
Note: Remember that the boundary for WMU 41 starts at the westernmost point of Trout Lake
using Trout Lake North which becomes Hwy 63. The Boundary is then Hwy 63 (harvest
southeast) through to the Quebec border bridge over the Ottawa River.
Application Instructions for Moose and Elk Harvest
This year individuals are eligible to apply for both Elk Tags and Moose Tags.
WMU Option 1 is the applicant’s first choice for an area to harvest Moose. WMU Option 2 is the applicant’s second choice for an area to harvest Moose.
WMU Option 2 will only be used if no one applies for a certain WMU as their first choice. In past years, several of the WMU Option 1’s were filled, so it is important to include a second option. See the attached Algonquin Harvest Map A for Moose Harvest WMU selections.
For Elk Harvest there are no WMU selections (see map for Elk Harvest Areas on our website).
All applicants must be 16 years of age or older to apply for any draw. Those who are successful this year will not be able to apply in next year’s Adult Moose Tag draw.
If you received an Adult Moose Tag last year, you are not eligible for this year’s draws. Please check that no one on your application was successful with last year’s draw for an Adult Moose, if you do not want to be excluded from this year’s draws.
Only one Adult Moose Tag per household.
Tags will be drawn by alternating Bull, then Cow for both inside and outside Algonquin Park.
Anyone not receiving an Adult Moose Tag will be eligible for Moose Calf Tag. Calf Tags will only be provided upon request from your ANR by application. Calf Tags will be mailed to the contact person on the application.
Only those who apply and return this application (with current addresses including postal codes for each of the six applicants listed) by the due date will be allowed to participate in this year’s community Adult Tag Draw.
The Moose Harvest and Elk Harvest Draw will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 10 pm at the Pembroke Legion.
Applications should mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation
57 Bonnechere St S
Renfrew, ON K7V 1Z2
Telephone: 613-433-9085
Fax: 613-432-5893
NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM Friday June 24,2016
Go to for Appendixes
Health Canada Technical Bulletin: Drug Residues in Wild Meat Map B -2016·2017 Algonquin Elk Harvest Areas
Moose Draw Application 2016 -2017
For Elk Harvest there are no WMU selections (go to for map for Elk Harvest Areas).
Applications should mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation
57 Bonnechere St S
Renfrew, ON K7V 1Z2
Telephone: 613-433-9085
Fax: 613-432-5893
The Moose Harvest and Elk Harvest Draw will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 10 pm at the Pembroke Legion.